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console.log( 'Code is Poetry' );
console.log( 'Code is Poetry' );
I'm DAVID Hickson

Visualizations require a lot of communication between the artist and the contractor.
The most important part of my job is listening to the client to understand the vision.
We then work out the details after that initial stage.
D AV I D H I C K S O N | |
5B 6B774.287.8926 | PROFILE As a senior graphic Design and visualization specialist, utilizing my 15+ years’ experience, I am responsible for all aspects of design from concept to deliverables. Expert in listening, understanding expectations then translating to visualizations. Passionate about developing processes and finding and testing new tech. to increase productivity while never compromising quality or deadlines. |
2BFAV TOOLS 8B 9BAdobe Creative suite 10BIllustrator 11B Photoshop 12BBlender with Verge 3D 13BWordPress 14B Square space When I see something cool, I need to learn it. | EXPERIENCE 15B Ready 2 Run graphics-2019-present 20B Art direction and Lead designer Creating brand aware content for various methods of engagement including vehicle wraps, wall wraps and unique installations. Design from concept to real world production with fabrication and installation plans. In addition, documenting and improving processes and working with other team leaders to enhance procedures and communications is paramount. I possess a strong analytical and creative balance while maintaining a sense of curiosity and self-learning. 16BBlenducation LLC 2007-2019 21BFreelance Generalist All aspects of design from client communications to final deliverables. Create assets for maritime simulation training. Informational videos. Design for 2D and 3D animation, stills and print material. 17BWorcester Envelope 1997-2007 22B Art Director Oversee prepress production team needs to reach daily goals both pre-production and post-production. Team building, cross corporation cooperation. Support sales team to help facilitate client needs. Implement new technologies to improve processes and procedures. |
EDUCATION 18BBecker College 23B2007-2009 Apud-BA in Business 19BBecker College 24B1993-1995 AA in Graphic design Additionally: Blender foundation Rock Hurst College Marchette Engineering |